Top 15 Useful But Unseen AI Tools for Filipino Marketers 2024

Top 15 Useful But Unseen AI Tools for Filipino Marketers 2024

15 Game-Changing Yet Unseen AI Tools for Filipino Marketers

Unveiling a treasure trove of AI-powered tools, this list introduces Filipino digital marketers to 15 invaluable yet lesser-known technologies. From enhancing content creation to refining market analysis, these tools are set to revolutionize the way digital marketing is conducted in the Philippines in 2024. Dive into our list to uncover these hidden gems!

In the fast-evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead often means discovering and leveraging lesser-known tools. This listicle unveils some of the most powerful yet unpopular AI tools in 2024 that Filipino digital marketers can utilize to gain an edge in creativity, efficiency, and analytics.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. It has touched practically every part of our lives, especially at work. This technology has empowered many professionals to improve their productivity and performance.

This is especially true in digital marketing, where timely delivery and work quality is of the essence. AI offers welcome solutions to some of the pressing problems this fast-paced discipline experiences.

However, only a few digital marketers take advantage of these tools. LeapOut listed some of the not-so-popular AI tools to use for your daily marketing tasks.

Description: An AI-powered writing assistant designed to help with creative content generation, including ad copies, product descriptions, and blog posts.

How to Use:

  • Ad Copy Generation: Input product details to receive engaging ad copies.
  • Blog Ideas and Drafting: Get unique blog topics and draft outlines effortlessly.
  • Product Descriptions: Create compelling and SEO-friendly product descriptions.


  • Creativity Boost: Overcome content creation blocks with AI-generated ideas.
  • Time-Saving: Quickly generate drafts and copies, saving valuable time.
  • Enhanced SEO: Improve search engine rankings with optimized content.

Description: A sophisticated AI tool for advanced data analytics and predictive modeling, ideal for market analysis and customer behavior prediction.

How to Use:

  • Market Trend Analysis: Analyze data to identify emerging market trends.
  • Customer Behavior Prediction: Use predictive modeling to understand customer preferences.
  • Data Visualization: Transform complex data sets into understandable visuals.


  • In-depth Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics and customer preferences.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make more informed marketing decisions based on robust analytics.
  • Competitive Advantage: Stay ahead of competitors with advanced predictive capabilities.

Description: An AI tool that turns analytics data into actionable marketing insights, perfect for optimizing marketing strategies and campaigns.

How to Use:

  • Analytics Integration: Connect with your analytics tools to gather data.
  • Insight Generation: Receive clear, actionable insights based on data analysis.
  • Strategy Optimization: Use these insights to refine marketing strategies.


  • Actionable Recommendations: Get practical suggestions to enhance marketing efforts.
  • Time Efficiency: Reduce time spent on data analysis and focus on implementation.
  • Improved Campaign Performance: Optimize campaigns for better performance based on insights.

Description: An AI-powered content optimization platform that analyzes and suggests improvements to increase engagement and conversion.

How to Use:

  • Content Analysis: Run your content through the tool for analysis.
  • Improvement Suggestions: Receive recommendations on tone, structure, and SEO.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor the impact of changes on content performance.


  • Content Quality Improvement: Enhance the readability and appeal of your content.
  • SEO Enhancement: Optimize content for better search engine rankings.
  • Engagement and Conversion Boost: See higher engagement and conversion rates through optimized content.

Description: An AI-powered logo maker that creates professional-quality logos based on user preferences, ideal for branding and identity design.

How to Use:

  • Design Preferences: Input your style preferences and brand colors.
  • Logo Generation: The AI generates a variety of logo designs to choose from.
  • Customization: Fine-tune your chosen logo to match your brand perfectly.


  • Brand Identity Creation: Quickly create a unique logo that resonates with your brand identity.
  • Cost-Effective: Save on design costs with AI-generated logos.
  • Ease of Use: Simplify the logo design process, accessible even for non-designers.

Description: MarketMuse is an AI-driven content planning and optimization tool, designed to help create content strategies that rank higher and engage better.

How to Use:

  • Content Inventory: Analyze your existing content to identify gaps and opportunities.
  • Topic Research: Get AI-driven suggestions for topics that resonate with your audience.
  • Optimization: Use AI guidance to optimize content for relevance and SEO.


  • Strategic Content Creation: Develop a data-driven content strategy.
  • SEO Improvement: Enhance search rankings with optimized content.
  • Audience Engagement: Produce content that is more relevant and engaging to your target audience.

Description: Textmetrics utilizes AI to refine and optimize the readability and SEO performance of your content, ensuring it aligns with your target demographics.

How to Use:

  • Readability Analysis: Check your content for clarity and simplicity.
  • SEO Optimization: Get suggestions for keywords and phrasing to improve SEO.
  • Demographic Targeting: Tailor your content’s tone and style to your specific audience.


  • Enhanced Readability: Make your content accessible and engaging.
  • Improved Search Rankings: Boost SEO performance with optimized content.
  • Audience-centric Writing: Create content that truly resonates with your target market.

Description: Phrasee specializes in AI-driven copywriting for email marketing, enhancing subject lines and email content to boost open rates and engagement.

How to Use:

  • Subject Line Generation: Generate compelling subject lines that increase open rates.
  • Email Body Optimization: Enhance the content of your emails for better engagement.
  • Performance Analysis: Analyze the performance of different phrases and adjust strategies accordingly.


  • Increased Email Engagement: Drive higher open and click-through rates.
  • Tailored Messaging: Create email content that speaks directly to your audience.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Understand what works best in your email marketing.

Description: Crayon is an AI-driven market intelligence platform that provides insights into competitors’ activities, market trends, and customer preferences.

How to Use:

  • Competitor Analysis: Track and analyze competitors’ digital footprint.
  • Market Trend Tracking: Stay updated with the latest trends in your industry.
  • Customer Insight Gathering: Understand customer needs and preferences through AI analysis.


  • Competitive Intelligence: Gain a strategic edge by understanding competitors’ strategies.
  • Market Awareness: Stay ahead of industry trends and shifts.
  • Customer-Centric Strategies: Develop marketing tactics based on customer insights.

Description: Adext AI is an AI-powered tool that automates and optimizes digital advertising campaigns across various platforms.

How to Use:

  • Campaign Automation: Set up your ad campaigns and let Adext AI manage and optimize them.
  • Audience Discovery: Discover the most responsive audiences for your ads.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor and analyze the performance of your campaigns.


  • Efficient Campaign Management: Save time with automated ad optimizations.
  • Target Audience Precision: Reach the most relevant and responsive audience segments.
  • ROI Enhancement: Improve your advertising ROI through AI-powered optimizations.

Description: Brand24 is a social media monitoring tool that uses AI to track and analyze online conversations about your brand, competitors, and industry.

How to Use:

  • Brand Monitoring: Set up tracking for your brand name and related keywords.
  • Competitor Analysis: Monitor mentions of your competitors to gauge their online presence.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Understand the public sentiment towards your brand or products.


  • Reputation Management: Stay informed about your brand’s online reputation.
  • Market Insight: Gain real-time insights into market trends and consumer opinions.
  • Strategic Decision Making: Use data to inform marketing strategies and brand positioning.

Description: Acrolinx is an AI-powered content alignment platform that helps ensure your content is on-brand, compliant, and consistent across all digital channels.

How to Use:

  • Content Guidelines: Set up your brand’s voice, tone, and style guidelines.
  • Content Analysis: Run your content through Acrolinx to check alignment with your guidelines.
  • Improvement Recommendations: Receive actionable suggestions to align your content more closely with your brand.


  • Brand Consistency: Maintain a uniform brand voice across all content.
  • Content Quality: Improve the overall quality and impact of your marketing materials.
  • Efficiency: Streamline the content creation and review process.

Description: An AI-driven consumer and market intelligence platform that delivers insights from social media, news, product reviews, and forums.

How to Use:

  • Trend Analysis: Identify emerging trends in your industry.
  • Consumer Insight: Dive into consumer sentiment and behavior analytics.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Understand your competitors’ strategies and market positioning.


  • Informed Strategy Development: Craft strategies based on deep market insights.
  • Customer Understanding: Develop a nuanced understanding of your target audience.
  • Competitive Edge: Stay ahead in the market with real-time intelligence.

Description: VWO is an AI-powered conversion optimization platform that enables you to conduct A/B testing, multivariate testing, and more to improve website conversions.

How to Use:

  • Experimentation: Set up A/B tests to try different website versions.
  • User Behavior Analysis: Analyze how users interact with your website.
  • Conversion Optimization: Implement changes based on test results to optimize for conversions.


  • Improved User Experience: Enhance the website experience for your visitors.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Increase the effectiveness of your website in converting visitors.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Base website changes on solid data rather than guesses.

Description: Revealbot is an AI-driven tool for automating and optimizing Facebook, Instagram, Google, and Snapchat ad campaigns.

How to Use:

  • Campaign Automation: Automate routine ad management tasks.
  • Performance Optimization: Use AI recommendations to optimize ad performance.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Get detailed reports on your ad campaigns.


  • Efficient Ad Management: Save time and resources in managing ad campaigns.
  • Optimized Ad Performance: Improve ad results through AI-driven optimization.
  • Enhanced ROI: Achieve better returns on ad spend.


In the dynamic world of digital marketing, embracing AI can provide a significant edge. This list of 15 lesser-known AI tools offers Filipino digital marketers innovative solutions to enhance various aspects of their digital marketing efforts, from content creation and social media monitoring to market intelligence and ad optimization. By leveraging these tools, marketers can gain deeper insights, improve efficiency, and enhance engagement, ultimately driving success in their digital marketing endeavors.

Tony Chua
Tony Chua

Tony Chua has been in the content writing profession for about a decade, specializing in writing SEO articles, blog posts, and social media copies for various small and medium enterprises and e-commerce sites. Before this, he also authored and edited news, press releases, features, scripts, and editorials for newspapers, magazines, and websites.

Tony is a Web Content Specialist for LeapOut Digital, who has worked for Beko, DMCI, Manulife, and US-based Clark Pawners and Jewelers. Aside from writing, he has experience in desktop publishing, graphic arts, web development, and video editing.